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Contributing Tada

If you would like to participate in the development of Tada, the project maintainers suggest the use of Pyenv to install the latest release of Python 3.6 and/or Python 3.7. You would also need to install Git if you have not done so already in order to access the project's Github repository.

The maintainers for Tada use the GitHub Flow Model to guide our engineering of this tool and we invite you to also follow it as you make a contribution.

Clone the Github Repository

If you have not cloned the repository yet, you can type in the following command to clone Tada's Github repository:

$ git clone
---> 100%
Successfully cloned tada

If you are already a collaborator on the project and would like to contribute a new feature or bug fix, you should create and publish your new branch via the following command. Substitute the name of your feature/branch for the word feature-name.

  • git checkout -b feature-name
  • git checkout master
  • git push -u origin feature-name

If you are not yet a collaborator on this project, then we recommend you to first fork the repository, add your new feature, document and test it as appropriate.

Install Development Dependencies

You can install dependencies through either poetry or pipenv with Tada, but you would first need to install either of these dependency management tool on your local machine and then install the development dependencies.

Although Tada currently supports both pipenv and poetry, we recommend you to use poetry as we are also migrating to use poetry instead of pipenv.

$ pip install poetry
---> 100%
Successfully installed poetry
$ poetry install
---> 100%
Successfully installed tada-predict and dependencies from lock file
$ pip install pipenv
---> 100%
Successfully installed pipenv
$ pipenv install --dev
---> 100%
Successfully installed dependencies from Pipfile.lock

You can activate the shell with one of the following command:

poetry shell
pipenv shell

Make a Pull Request

Finally, you should open a pull request on the GitHub repository for the new changes that you have created. This pull request should describe the new feature or bug fix that you are adding and give examples of how to run it on the command line.

We highly recommend you to provide tests along with the feature that you implemented and you should not break the existing test cases or features.

Test Tada

The developers use Pytest for testing Tada. To run the provided test suite for Tada's functions within the shell, you can type the following in your terminal window:

poetry run pytest tests
pipenv run pytest tests

The maintainers use statement and branch coverage to inform their testing activities. Please make sure you maintain or raise the current test coverage when developing new features. If you want to check the coverage of the test suite locally, then you can run:

poetry run pytest --cov-config pytest.cov --cov
pipenv run pytest --cov-config pytest.cov --covs

If you want to collect the coverage of the test suite and see what lines of code are not covered, then you can run:

poetry run pytest --cov-config pytest.cov --cov --cov-report term-missing
pipenv run pytest --cov-config pytest.cov --cov --cov-report term-missing

Code linting and Continuous Integration

When making contributions to the project, please make sure that you adhere to the coding standard that are enforced by automated linting tools such as Pylint and Flake8. The project uses both Travis CI and Github Action to build and test the tool in Ubuntu, MacOS, and Windows system with Python versions of 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. Following are some of the linting checks being checked in Travis CI and Github Action platform. You can also run these checks locally to see if you have conformed to the coding standard.

poetry run flake8 tada
poetry run flake8 tests
poetry run pylint tada
poetry run pylint tests
pipenv run flake8 tada
pipenv run flake8 tests
pipenv run pylint tada
pipenv run pylint tests

Develop Docs

The documentation uses MkDocs and the theme Material for MkDocs

MkDocs comes with a built-in dev-server that lets users preview documentation as they work on it. When developing, make sure you are in the same directory as the mkdocs.yml configuration file (the root directory), and then start the server by running the mkdocs serve command. You will be able to preview the doc site at

$ poetry run mkdocs serve
INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.65 seconds
INFO    -  Serving on
$ pipenv run mkdocs serve
INFO    -  Building documentation...
INFO    -  Cleaning site directory
INFO    -  Documentation built in 0.65 seconds
INFO    -  Serving on

Publish a Release

Tada uses poetry and Github Action workflow to automate the process of publishing package to PyPI. The PyPI publish will be made automatically when a github release is published through a commit that is associated with a Git Tag. All release numbers in this repository should adhere to the Semantic Versioning standard that all GitHub projects are asked to adopt.

In order to make a github release, you should commit your file using a git commit command as followed where the version number should be changed accordingly:

git tag 1.0.0

The version of the PyPI package will also be automatically set as the tag version. At this point, you are ready to push the changes with the appropriate tag by typing the following command:

git push origin HEAD --tags

After waiting for a period of time, a new release of the project will be created on the Github repository page if all the test cases and linting checks have passed. Once the Github release has been created successfully, Github Action wil then publish the latest release to PyPI.

Last update: 2020-12-07